My name is Deb or Deborah for long, and The Vintage Fairy is the name of my business. I am not a fairy but I am vintage, born in 1963 , the year that the river Thames froze and the Beatles became famous.
I live with my husband Paul in a tall blue house in a small town not far from London not far from the sea. We have three daughters, all grown now, and two small noisy dogs
I have loved second hand and vintage clothing since I was a teenager. One of my very first vintage finds was genuine Afghan coat bought at a jumble sale it was very small and a little smelly but to me it was treasure.
I passed my love of clothes onto my three daughters, who I must say all have their own style. One year at Christmas I managed to find each of them the perfect vintage gift . I wrapped them in brown paper and on the tags I wrote
Love from the VF xx
Nobody knew who the VF was and much discussions was had as to who this mystery person was. To me the vintage fairy was like the tooth fairy, unseen, leaving little bits of vintage loveliness under the Christmas tree. The vintage fairy became a family tradition and then slowly grew into a business. I thought of changing the name as perhaps it sounds a little fluffy, but decided that treasure hunting requires a bit of magic and anyway I like it.
So The Vintage Fairy it is or The VF for short. My aim is to find vintage or preloved clothing made from beautiful fabrics, put together with care by skilful makers for stylish people who care about these things.
I hope you enjoy my shop
Deb x